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​Form Magazine new issue focuses on “meaning of design for Europe”

​Form Magazine new issue focuses on “meaning of design for Europe”
​Form Magazine new issue focuses on “meaning of design for Europe”

On the July / August 2017 issue of Form Magazine, a selected group of designers were asked for their opinions on the meaning of design for Europe. Our managing director Akin Nalca shared his view  on the topic:


“As a designer, lincensed producer, and buyer for our Turkish clients’ exhibitions and appearances at trade fairs and also their appearances in Europe, the motto ‘Design Made in Germany – Made in Europe’ has followed me for over 20 years. The high standards of European design, embedded in a tradition shaped by art and culture, pushed and ecouraged us, making us a successful business in Turkey. With shared values and close co-operation with our European partners, a feeling of belonging and respect developed in both our personal and our business dealings – one of the reasons why we took over the Burkhardt Leitner brand and why we want to introduce new strategies and carry them from Europe (Stuttgart and Istanbul) out into the world. Design is not just an economic factor
– it is the connecting link for cultural integration in the best sense, essential for a great, strong Europe.”