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The design of the SOCAR project with Pon system

The design of the SOCAR project with Pon system
The design of the SOCAR project with Pon system

The design of the Socar booth reflects the brand in a prestigious way and gives a hint of the future vision that unveils the Socar Turkey Investment to the high-level visitors.

The stylization of the corporate colors of Socar; general booth architecture has been designed to convey traces of the architectural character of a petrochemical plant. On an open structure, SOCAR's trade volume and numerical predictions of the future and investment functions are presented in a specially-commissioned film a giant screen in the background.

Visitors were focused on the model maps of Turkey and the Aegean which were laid on the ground and they were informed about the numerical dimensions both on the model and interactively through the iPad screens.

By utilizing Burkhardt Leitner Modular Spaces’ modular PON system, the main structure was created to minimize the quality risks in an application implemented abroad.

The design of the SOCAR project with Pon system
The design of the SOCAR project with Pon system